Length 4.5 miles
Time 2hrs
Guiness enjoyment rating 7.
Everything seemed to go wrong with this walk. It starts by crossing the stepping stones at Dartmeet. If you look very closely at the pic you can see a dog at the far end refusing, as usual, to get his paws wet. Fortunately it was easy to retrieve him and carry him across.
The walk continues through very pleasant farmland and a climb through bracken which has various routes so checked with my new GPS Satmap to check I was on the right route...Satmap not working...take batteries out and try again but all going haywire when I turn it back on. Something to sort out later. Dad was trying to convince me only yesterday that it would be a good idea to take a compass on Dartmoor 'just in case'. Neil 0 -1 Dad.
Carrying on up the hill you meet the road where you turn right. More cars than you might expect along this stretch so decided to out Guiness on a lead...No lead...Must have left it behind when I carried him over the stepping stones. Anyway had a strap for the GPS so thought I could attach this to his collar instead...no collar. Remembered I'd taken it of the evening before. Doh! Anyway, dodged to traffic to reach Combestone Tor.
View of the Dart form Combestone Tor
After the tor you cut right and follow the pathway, bearing left at the signpost, to more stepping stones and at Huccaby Farm head eastwards back to Dartmeet. A slight detour back to the Stepping stones located the missing lead (and also my sunglasses which I'd also lost without realising it).
A nice easy walk.
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